Coed Youth Basketball League

Coed Youth Basketball League

A league for youth in grades 3-4 that are interested in developing basic basketball knowledge and skills. Players are placed on a team according to school and grade. Teams practice one hour during the week (Mon-Thurs) then have a game on Saturday mornings for 5 weeks. Y jerseys are required to participate. Previous Y jerseys are acceptable for play and new ones may be purchased for $15.

For grades 5-6, we will be hosting a skills clinic on Saturday mornings. This clinic will help develop players while having fun doing it. The clinic will be the same length as the season with sessions being on Saturday mornings.

Parent volunteer coaches needed! Coaches meeting on January 7th at 5:30 p.m. in the Y Party Room. Contact Qwinton Wilder for details.

SEASON:  Jan. 13 – Feb. 15; Weekday Practice, Saturday Game


108 Washington St., Marshalltown, IA

COST:  $30 Y Members / $60 Program Members

($15 for jersey if needed)

*Scholarships available

  • Register in person or online at . Deadline to register is January 5th.

For questions contact Qwinton Wilder at 641-752-8658 or [email protected]



Los juegos son

los sabados

La temporada es del 13 de enero al 15 de febrero.

Cuesta $30 para miembros Y

$60 miembros del programa

Dos divisiones: grados 3-4 y 5-6